McConnell is the undisputed champion of obstruction. He has blocked measures to prevent foreign interference in our elections, denied Merrick Garland a hearing to the Supreme Court and made it his mission to put party over country.
Moscow Mitch blocked bills to limit foreign governments’ interference with our elections while he was Majority Leader, not even allowing them to have a vote. He blocked funding for states to secure their election equipment in advance of the 2020 election. He shot down having paper ballot backups that would allow for a paper trail and ability to accurately audit elections. He denied imposing financial sanctions on financial institutions and countries that are complicit in trying to corrupt our elections. He didn’t give our government the authority to take retaliatory actions against nations interfering with elections. I guess we know where Moscow Mitch’s loyalties lie.
When conservative Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia’s death was announced in February of 2016, McConnell announced that the next president should fill the seat. President Obama had 11 months left is his term. This obstructionism was unprecedented and lead the way for one of the most conservative courts of our time. Old Mitch really put party over country that time. He has threatened to not allow any Supreme Court nomination to move through the Senate if he gets the Gavel in 2022.
When President Biden, Leader Schumer and Speaker Pelosi pressed for much needed additional COVID relief and presented the American Rescue Plan, McConnell twisted arms and secured all Senate Republicans to vote against the relief package. He led Republicans in the Senate to vote against:
McConnell chose partisan politics over the good of the nation yet again.